Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bobo, Ba, and Mac

The drive between Ottawa and Sudbury is a long one. If you aren't familiar with Northern Ontario geography it is approximately 1 bajillion hours. To put it in perspective it is slightly farther than New York City to Pittsburgh, slightly less than Chicago to Kansas City, and nearly exactly the distance between Tuscan and Las Vegas. However, during each of those drives there are a number of interesting places to visit. The drive between Ottawa and Sudbury is mostly trees with Tim Horton's coffee shops strategically placed every few hours to accommodate addicts like myself.

When Mac's Dad, NYC resident Andy Hall, visits he regularly comments on how nice it is to be surrounded by grass and trees. "You live in such a park like setting" he has said. So he might really enjoy the long drive between Ottawa and Sudbury. I, on the other hand, hate it.

It has been a year since I was home last. It shocked me to realize that. But my parents have an inability to be away from Mac for more than four weeks at a time so I guess that their continued visits have offset my usual homesickness.

Mac is well into the Toddler stage so it's a roller coaster of highs and lows these days. Of course, our trip to Sudbury was met with a few meltdowns. Like the time we wouldn't let him fall down the stairs and break his neck.

But Sudbury is a wonderland of sorts for Mac. There is the sprawling green space for him to run without any nagging from his city-dwelling moms who can usually be heard saying "not too far Mac" "stay close Mac" "This way" "Stay away from the road." And there are big trucks everywhere he looks. People in the city drive far too few trucks for his liking. But the highlight of Sudbury is absolutely Bobo and Ba. 

Approximately every 30 minutes during our entire visit my son can be heard squealing "Yay Bobo! Yay Ba!" 

And if they manage to get out of his line of sight and then return he will run with his arms held wide excited for their embrace.

It's easy to understand why he's so happy there. The word "no" is used very selectively. Yes, you may eat peanut butter straight from the jar. Yes, you may make phone calls to China. Yes, you may insist on going to the park at 6 AM. No, you cannot play in the stove. See how that works?

I'm not sure where Mac got the idea to call my dad Ba and my mom Bobo. At first it sounded a bit ridiculous. But, the more he says it the more fitting it becomes. In Mac's presence my mother is as excited and animated as any Bobo The Clown impostor could be.  And Mac feeds off her energy. She is the sun and he's a solar powered battery. And after a week with Bobo he could likely power a big Sudbury truck all the way to Ottawa.

In Sudbury my son rarely stops smiling. And that is why I drive the one bajillion hours to get there.

Update! The buy now button has been removed as these are all sold out!! Thank-you for your interest. If you would like to arrange a special shoot for grandparents/grandchildren please message me at kristin@mondayswithmac.com for details. 

Do you want to celebrate the love between your child(ren) and parents? In honour of my son's love for his Bobo an Ba, I am offering FIVE Grandparent(s) and me shoots for only $75. Each session will take approximately an hour and you will receive 10 edited photos with print release as well as one 8x10 print (something I almost never do!). 

To claim yours, click Buy Now below and an official gift certificate will be emailed to you within 48 hours. 

If you have questions email me at Kristin@mondayswithmac.com 

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