Wednesday 31 October 2012

A Blogiversary

Tracy and I have never been good at remembering the anniversary of our first date. Usually it passes us by and sometime later that week one of us will be all Oh, hey, wasn't our anniversary this month? And the other one will say huh, yeah, I guess it was. And then we'll go back to whatever it was we were doing (which was probably watching seasons of Survivor while playing digital scrabble with each other on matching laptops).

So it should come as no surprise that my one year blogivesary could pass me by without notice. To be honest, when I started this blog I wasn't sure that I would last a year. I thought that maybe a dozen or so people would read it. I never imagined that I would meet so many amazing people through this little site, that it would help me to launch a photography business, or that there would still be people reading a whole year later.

It's been a year of ups (remember when Tracy became Mac's legal mother?) and downs (this fall was tough on me). It has been the most challenging year of my life but it has also been, hands down, the very very best.

To thank-you for reading along with me I am going to celebrate this blogiversary by answering any and all questions you have about me, my wife, my marriage, my family, or anything else I might know the answer to. If you have questions for Andy you can ask those too but I can't make any promises on what he will answer. You can ask them in the comment section here (you can even do it anonymously!). I will answer everything next week!

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