Thursday 3 January 2013

My Sister's Keeper: Love – spoken in whispers (A guest post)

You may remember Wendy and John from this post. Or this one. But what you likely don't know is that Wendy has a really beautifully written blog.  She writes about life and love and what it's like to build one's foundation of self without the benefit of stable loving parents to set the groundwork. Her posts that move me the most involve her relationship and upbringing with her twin sister. So when she mentioned that she'd like to have a photo shoot with her sister before her upcoming nuptials I was more than happy to oblige. And since it was going to be a cold Ottawa Saturday we decided to head over to one of my favourite local places ThimbleCakes for some delicious cupcakes (you can't go wrong when there are vegan, sugar free, and gluten free options and everything is nut free!).

The following post was written by Wendy about her very special relationship with her sister Michelle. 

“The ache for home lives inside all of us; the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”  – Maya Angelou

Our secret language I imagine began well before our birth.  She is one who loved me first; I was the one who loved her first. I strongly believe it is that love and that secret language which enabled us to withstand an infancy of hurt, fear and neglect.  That love supported us into our childhood where we were cared for but never belonged.  With my little fingers grasped in the tiny hand of hers, we moved on, but never away from each other.  

That language we shared was our silent whispers to one another.  Whispers that said “you matter”, “you are the most important thing in my life”, “you are enough”.  

When we were little Michelle and I rarely ventured out of the eyesight of the other.  When she was ready to walk and I still wasn’t sure, she waited for me and when the time came for us to run or bike I would convince her that the risk was worth it.  When we got older and experienced moments of self-doubt and questioned our worthiness, we held on fast to each other and the belief that despite everything, we were destined with a purpose.  

Never had we imagined our world would lead us in different directions, as each journey in our infancy, childhood and early adolescence was ventured hand in hand.  But the time did come when our lives evolved outside of the grasp of our tiny, interlaced fingers.  Despite the fork in our road, Michelle and I maintained our secret language.  No distance, circumstance or environment quieted our whispers.  

The secret language that we created without words, with only emotion in its purest and truest form created a foundation on which each of us now exists.  Those whispers that meant I love you unconditionally, you deserve to be loved, you are worthy, those whispers led us to this moment; this moment where we stand against one another, for one another.

*** Please visit us at to book a shoot ***

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